The name of the organization shall be: Paunsaugunt Landowners Wildlife association (hereafter referred to as “the Association”).
The principle office shall be located in Kanab, Utah. Said office may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors as required for the Association‘s affairs.
Purpose shall be to fulfill the responsibilities delegated and authorized by the State of Utah Big Game Board in 1989 with respect to landowner permits for the Paunsaugunt hunting unit, unit boundaries, season’s dates, eligibility requirements for landowner permits, application, distribution and collection, and a fair equitable distribution of authorized permits.
To seek redress for damages done by wildlife to private lands; to protect and increase the value of the Paunsaugunt hunting unit for trophy hunting; and promote good will between landowners and sportsmen.
To support the inherent right of all citizens to hunt, to purchase, possess, and to use legal weapons lawfully and further to encourage high standards of sportsmanship and a fair chase ethic.
To cooperate fully in the achievement of these objectives with all others having similar objectives.
Section 1. Membership Qualifications:
The number of members shall be unlimited. To be eligible for membership, a person must own land, or own and lease a combination of land within the
Paunsaugunt Hunting Unit, meeting the criteria listed below.
- Owned and leased land must be under Greenbelt status.
- Owned and leased land must provide habitat suitable for mule deer as determined by UDWR, and have substantial mule deer use.
- Minimum acreage owned must be 5 acres of irrigated and mechanically harvested alfalfa or 160 acres of rangeland. All qualifying acreage will be used to determine the prorate share of annual proceeds from the sale of permits and for weighted votes.
- Qualifying acreage documentation must be provided to the Board of Directors each year. This documentation is due within the dates designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Voting Rights:
- Each member in good standing, or his/her designated agent, shall be eligible to vote one vote on any matter before the PLWA Association, and if a weighted vote is called for on the matter, vote his/her qualifying acres within the PLWA Association.
- After a vote on any matter is taken, any member in good standing may call for a weighted vote on the matter. Both a majority of the voters and a majority of the lands represented are required to carry a weighted vote. Weighted votes will be based on the prorate share of represented qualifying acreage.
- Members in good standing may authorize others to vote on PLWA Association matters in their behalf by proxy. Proxy designations must be in writing, be signed by the member requesting the proxy, and be delivered to the PLWA Secretary for verification prior to voting on any matter. The proxy voter must also be a member in good standing.
Section 3. Termination of Membership Rights:
Termination of membership rights shall occur whenever a member no longer qualifies for membership status. Documentation of qualifying acreage received after the due date set
by the Board of Directors, disqualifies that acreage for membership in that year.
Section 4. Fees and Dues:
There may be dues and/or assessments for members as authorized by the Board of
Directors or the State of Utah Big Game Board. These dues and/or assessments must be
paid within the times designated by the Board of Directors, in order for a member to remain in good standing.
Section 5. Termination for Cause:
Any member whose conduct is not in conformity with the goals and ideals of this organization may be dropped from the membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Provided that the member under consideration to be dropped, is given reasonable notice by certified letter from the Board of Directors, and is given an opportunity for a hearing before the Board of Directors, prior to having membership suspended. A hearing is not required in cases where qualifying acreage documentation is not submitted by the deadline set by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Annual Meetings and Order of Business:
An annual meeting of the Membership shall be held each year at a time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors. The order of business shall be:
- A complete report by the Treasurer of the financial condition of the Association
- A review by the President of the activities of the Association for the previous year
- Such other old and new business as may properly come before the meeting
Section 2. Regular Meetings
No regular meetings of the General Membership other than the annual Meeting shall be held.
Section 3. Special Meetings:
Special meetings of the General Membership for any purpose may be called by or at the direction of the President, or three members of the Board of Directors, or a petition signed by fifteen (15) members in good standing.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings:
Printed notice, including a call of a special meeting, shall state the time and place of the holding thereof and shall either be sent to membership at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting or published in a newspaper with general circulation within the Paunsaugunt hunting unit. Such notice shall be by or at the direction of the President or those authorized in Section 3. above. The notice shall be deemed to be delivered three (3) days after being deposited in the United States Mail or forty eight (48) hours after being published in an approved newspaper.
Section 5. Notice by Mail:
It shall be the responsibility of each member to furnish the Secretary, in writing, his/her/its correct address and any changes thereof to be recorded in the Secretary’s list.
Section 6. Reading of Minutes:
At each meeting of the General Membership, the minutes of the their last meeting shall be read unless dispensed with by a majority vote of all members present.
Section 7. Quorum:
A quorum at any meeting of the General Membership shall consist of at least 51% of the total Application Units in the association entitled to vote. If a quorum is not present at a meeting, the meeting shall be immediately adjourned.
Section 8. Presiding Officer:
The President shall preside at all meetings. In the President’s absence, the Vice-President shall preside. If both the President and Vice-President are absent from a meeting, a presiding officer shall be selected by the Members then present from among their number.
Section 1. Number of Members:
The Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) members elected from the General Membership of the association.
Section 2. Election and Term of Office:
Each of the five Board Members shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting members qualified under Article IV, Section 6, following nomination by the General Membership at the annual General Membership meeting. Elections shall be by secret ballot from those nominated. Adequate precautions shall be taken by the Board to assure the integrity and fairness of the election process. Director’s terms of office shall begin immediately upon election. Terms of office shall (generally) be for two years. In odd numbered years, elections will be held for three Board members and in even numbered years elections will be held for two Board members. Nothing herein shall preclude a Director from serving more than one term.
Section 3. Qualifications:
Prospective Directors must be a member in good standing and have evidenced of leadership and ability to represent the Association’s members before the Board, the public and governmental agencies. In addition, directors must be dedicated to the principles of the Association
Section 4. General Powers of Directors:
In managing the affairs of the Association, the Directors shall have power to (1) make rules for the guidance of its Officers, Committees, and Employees, and to prescribe their duties;(2) to authorize officers or agents of the association to enter into contracts, create obligations, and execute instruments in the name of and in behalf the Association; (3) to create divisions of the Association and prescribe the authority, powers, and duties of each of them; (4) to create appointed committees, permanent or temporary; (5) to determine the construction to be given these By-Laws in case of any uncertainty as to the meaning or requirements of any of them; (6) to fill vacancies in elective or appointive offices; and (7) to perform any act reasonably necessary for the good of the Association not forbidden by law.
Section 5. Vacancies:
In case of any vacancy in the Board of Directors, the remaining Board members by affirmative vote of a majority thereof may elect a successor to hold office until the next scheduled election of Board members. (The intent is to allow the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy for no more than one year.)
Section 6. Removal of Directors:
In the event that any Director for any reason ceases to have the right to vote at membership meetings, the Board of Directors shall declare his office vacant. In addition, any Board member may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present at any special meeting of the membership called for that purpose, of by four-fifths (4/5) vote of the full Board. Notice of proposed removal of a Board member must be given in writing to such Board member at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting at which such removal is to be voted upon. Such notice to a Board member must state the cause of the proposed removal. Unexcused or unexplained absences from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors and/or serious contention, unwillingness and/or inability to work with members and/or other members of the Board may be cause for removal of a Director, but removal shall not be limited to such cause(s).
Section7. Compensation:
Directors shall not receive any compensation for their services other than reimbursement of duly authorized expenses by a majority vote of the Board of directors. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any Director from serving the Association in any other capacity and receiving compensation there from.
Section 1. Regular Meetings:
There shall be at least one regular meeting of the Board of Directors each year to be held immediately following the annual General Membership meeting.
Section 2. Special Meetings:
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at a time and place designated by or at the direction of the President or any three (3) Directors. The person or persons calling a special meeting must state the time, place and purpose for the holding thereof.
Section 3. Notice:
Notice of regular meetings shall be given by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors in the manner provided for special meetings. Notice of all special meetings shall be given by telephone, in person, overnight mail or e-mail.
Section 4. Quorum:
A majority of the Board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. Up to two (2) Board members may appear via telephone for the purpose of establishing a quorum and voting, but voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
Section 5. Manner of Acting:
The act of a majority of those present at a meeting at which a quorum has been established as prescribed by Section 4 above, shall be the act of the Board members, unless by the act of a greater number is required by law or by these By-laws.
Section 6. Voting:
Each board member and officer shall be entitled to one vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the Board of Directors. Any meeting at which a quorum is present, an absent officer or board member may cast his vote on any matter over the telephone at the time of the meeting.
Section 7. Presiding Officer:
The President shall preside at all meetings. In the President’s absence, the vice-President shall preside. If neither the President nor Vice-President are present at a meeting of the Board, a presiding officer shall be selected by the other board members present.
Section 8. Minutes:
Minutes of all Board meetings shall be kept and maintained by the Secretary. The minutes of the last preceding meeting of the Board shall be read each meeting unless dispensed with by a majority vote of those present.
Section 9. Treasurer’s Report:
At each meeting of the Board, the Treasurer shall make a report on the current financial condition and balance, and be prepared to discuss those areas of responsibility as set forth under ARTICLE XIII, Section 6D.