2024 Deer Application

Paunsaugunt Landowner Wildlife Association (PLWA)

Please follow the (6) steps below to submit your yearly application. ALL applications for PLWA Mule Deer must be submitted through the website.

  1. Scroll down to the application (below) and fill in first and last name, and business or ranch name if applicable.
  2. Put the total number of acres of alfalfa hay that you mechanically harvested for the each year/season. THIS IS NOT PER CUT OR TONNAGE. Only total acres you have under alfalfa.
  3. Put the total number of range land acres that show FAA Greenbelt on your tax notice. All tax notices show the total acres for the corresponding parcel number. You may have a structure or residents that is also on the parcel that is taxed. It is your responsibilty to remove that acreage.
  4. Next, fill in address, city, state, zip, email and phone number.
  5. After, you will see a drag and drop box. Please take all your tax valuation notices, maps, and Lease agreements and combine them into ONE pdf file. The name of the pdf file needs to be the name you put on your application. Next locate your pdf file you have saved on your computer and drag and drop it on the box.
  6. You will then sign and date the application with your mouse or track pad. Check the box below and hit submit.
  7. If nothing has changed from last year’s (2023) application, there is no need to submit new tax notices or land image maps. We only need maps/tax info if there are changes to your land and application for 2024. *See last 2 paragraphs at the bottom of the page before submitting application.
  8. Paunsaugunt landowners (aka applicants) are required to allow DWR designated public hunters access to enrolled property for hunting purposes.

For some were sure this is painful and probably foreign to those that don’t use a computer. Please find someone within your family to help you or please feel free to contact a board member. After you submit your application you will receive an email confirmation.


Lease Agreement: Lease agreements are required in order to establish owner permission to receive landowner deer permits, and to establish land use. Leasing land for the purpose of obtaining deer permits is not allowed under the current PLWA Bylaws. The lease should establish the basis for which you are using the land and that the owner is allowing you receive the landowner deer permits associated with the use of the land being leased. The owner must sign this lease. For trusts, you need the same documentation or documentation of the applicant being the Administrator of the trust. If you are purchasing land under a contract, please provide a signed copy of the contract, or a trust deed for the property you claim in your application.

TAX Valuation notices establish land is in greenbelt status.

Please be ADVISED we need your application completed and submitted by September 30th every year. The board will meet and review applications and issue checks by mail the first week of October.

**WARNING** UTAH CODE 23-19-5 FRAUD, DECEIT OR MISREPRESENTATION APPLIES TO THESE APPLICATIONS: It is unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a license, permit, tag, or certificate of registration by fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. Any person violating provisions of this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor, and you may be suspended from participation in the PLWA association.